Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Listen to the Natives by Marc Prensky


This article addresses the fact that many educators have SLID INTO THE 21st CENTURY. Educators are not nearly as TECHNOLOGY SAVVY as the new generations which they are teaching.

In this article PRENSKY refers to digital natives as those who have grown up using technology and digital immigrants as those who have learned how to use technology later in life. PRENSKY makes an important point for educators today. He states that in order for educators to reach the students, the digital natives, use of 20th century technology and our guide to training is no longer sufficient.

Prensky points out that a digital immigrant can never truly become a digital native because they have not grown up with the technology such as computers, video games, cell phones and Internet. Since digital immigrants can never become digital native it is important that the natives and immigrants work together to find a way to incorporate their ' digital lives' into their education at school.

  1. 21st Century, the current digital era
  2. Digital Natives are the those who have grown up in a completely digital era
  3. Digital Immigrants are the others who have not grown up in a completely digital era, they will never become digital natives
  4. Guidance abilities should be a more desired characteristic of a teacher than highly qualified in the curriculum content.
  5. Engaging today's children with "game play", using the same characteristics of a video game: interesting choices, immediate, useful feedback and immediate chances to see your improvement.
  6. Teachers need to collaborate by allowing the digitally native students to help guide and lead their learning as if they were teaching.
  7. Virtual groups supersede herds because NO ONE person is left out; there is always someone somewhere in the world that has the same interests.
  8. DIGITAL TOOLS are integrated into every aspect of today's student's lives.
This article addresses ways in which we as teachers can engage today's 21st century digital native students. Technology is completely integrated into the everyday lives of today’s students.  We must find a method of engagement so that these children remain actively engaged.

A teacher does not necessarily have to include and incorporate all of the latest digital technology into their teaching. As a digital immigrant he/she must find a way to include 'gameplay' into their teaching style. This means that teachers must find a way to include, interesting choices, immediate useful feedback and the ability to immediately see if you've made improvement.

Today's students are exposed to 'the era of video games and virtual reality'. In order to completely engage the digital natives, the digital immigrants of today must seek the advice and skills of the natives and work together to create a curriculum or way of maintaining both worlds.

Friday, September 12, 2008


UNDERSTANDING...Blatchley Middle School's Technology Culture

While completing this assignment I realized that BLATCHLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL  (BMS) is the STEP-CHILD of the Sitka School District. ALL other schools located within the Sitka School District have more ADVANCED up to date technology than BMS with easier access. However, the teachers at the school feel the benefits that technology can bring are worth enough to spend MONEY out of their own pockets for their CLASSROOMS.
  • ALL of the technology that is found within the MIDDLE SCHOOL is shared between all the teachers.
  • No need TRADE OR BRIBE in exchange for the use of the item.
  • The LACK OF TECHNOLOGY, is made up for by the staff and teachers who have a UNIQUE sense of style, enthusiasm and creativity.  All attributes that can enhance the learning process to make it a memorable one!

I have learned from all those at BLATCHLEY MIDDLE SCHOOL that you learn to become more CREATIVE when making do with what you have. In a PERFECT WORLD there would be more time in a day and more MONEY available to the districts.  With or without the technology the teachers at Blatchley can create PRETTY COOL CLASSES!

Monday, September 8, 2008



The objective of this assignment was to watch digital creations and then grade the creations.  When grading a piece of work where you are not the creator of the given task is difficult, even with a rubric. Each person who creates a lesson or project has different criteria (rubric) in which they use when grading.

A. How would you "grade" or assess Fox becomes a Better Person and School Train?

  • Grading is a very controversial issue... What really is an A? and who made it so?
  • In order to grade something accurately one must know what they are trying to access.
  • In other words what it was you wanted the student(s) to achieve?

In order to grade or assess this type of visual, technological presentations accurately you must have a rubric. Without having a specific rubric to follow. I would look at the following:

  • What is the MESSAGE that is trying to be conveyed?

  • Did they accomplish getting their MESSAGE across?

  • Was the product visually APPEALING?

  • WORK ETHIC - did they take pride in their work?
In the beginning of school train it was stated in the syllabus they were relaying the concept of a metaphor. The METAPHOR was comparing a TRAIN to SCHOOL. In each piece the MESSAGE was a metaphor. The MESSAGE conveying the metaphor was accomplished. For example, "ticket please...homework please". Visual presentation in this production was VISUALLY appealing and entertaining. Now, the hard part assessing work ethic. I was not there through out the producing of the piece. Not being part of the process  doesn't allow me to see the true work ethic of all involved. With that said the visual display and configuration of the piece appears to have had a lot of hard work put into it!

This was a digital story of an example of traditional Tlingit storytelling. Again without a specific rubric I would grade on the above previously stated aspects. In this piece the MESSAGE was how FOX BECAME A BETTER PERSON. Hannah did an EXCELLENT job conveying her story about fox. I have Hannah in my class this year. It gives me a special connection to her! The visual picture presentation in the back ground along with Hannah's physical movement. It was by FAR MY FAVORITE PIECE! Knowing Hannah a lot of time an effort was put forth. It was a WONDERFUL piece of work!

B. What impacts could the developments portrayed in epic2015 have on your classroom, particularly with respect to things like pod casting?

This was almost UNBELIEVABLE but realistic in what the future can bring....are we really already there? I'm just getting to understand blogs!Technology really is the wave of the future. What about those who still do not have access to these types of technology. Except in school. What about schools that don't have this type of technology. Are we leaving these children BEHIND? If this type of technology was available to all students the possibilities for technology use with the content would be ENDLESS. There would be no excuse for LACK of CREATIVITY, CURRENT up to date INFORMATION or I missed class! This would also allow students to network and share thought and ideas with anyone, anywhere in the WORLD.

C. How might you use Sabrina's piece as a model for something you would do with your own students?
I could use Sabrina's model to help each of my 7th grade students discover HOW THEY ARE A SCIENTIST?! They could begin brainstorming on how they DIDN'T really feel themselves as a SCIENTIST. By the end of the 7th grade journey they will discover themselves as a TRUE SCIENTIST!