Monday, November 10, 2008

Conservation Presentation

Talk about a time consuming project for such a short video presentation. This project was very informational.It definitely taught me new technology skills.  Was it worth all the time that was put into it?....I hope so. I actually know so the first time is always harder.

When watching yourself give a presentation it is hard to focus on anything but your faults. I feel that the person that is hardest on you is yourself.

The first weakness is my visual presence. I look akward.I find myself looking at my unfit body. Rather than listening to the presentation. The second weakness was that I found that not presenting to an audience is difficult. I really like having the one-on-on discussions and interaction. Without an audience there I seem to rush through. I also have more of a tendancy to say, so and um instead of just pausing. Without questions I don't explain things in as much detail. Third weakness, I found that having a cordless advance for PowerPoint's on a projector is great but looks a little weird. Especially when you are trying to advance the screen. It seemed to break the flow of the presentation. Fifth and final weakness, I have a tendency to rock back and forth.  I think this comes from having an infant. Either way rocking back and forth can be distracting.

I have very few strengths when it comes to recorded presentations. Actually presenting in general or so I feel now. The video recording of our project has turned me off inclined me to say no to giving recorded only presentations. I usually feel comfortable standing in front of a class. Now after watching myself I am uncomfortably self conscious. I however still love talking to my students. I really enjoy giving them bits of information and watching them put the piece together to create a whole. A strength from watching the video is that my voice projects fairly well and I work well with others, I found listening and collaborating to be a very valuable trait (thank you Amy).
To view the video footage of the presentation go to: Conservation Presentation

To access the PowerPoint presentation go to: PowerPoint Presentation
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To access the excel spreadsheet that was used to calculate the kilowatts used go to: Conservation Excel Spreadsheet